What are the process requirements of the hot stamping machine?

Hot stamping machine is a special equipment in the printing process, mainly used in paper, plastic, leather and other materials for hot stamping processing. Due to the working principle and characteristics of the hot stamping machine, its process requirements are relatively high, the following will be a detailed introduction to the process requirements of the hot stamping machine.

First, the types and characteristics of the hot stamping machine

Hot stamping machine according to the different materials can be divided into hot stamping machine and cold stamping machine two kinds. The hot stamping machine adopts the hot stamping process, which requires the use of heated hot stamping plate for hot stamping; The cold stamping machine adopts the cold pressing process and uses the hot stamping plate at room temperature for hot stamping. The hot stamping effect is more prominent, but it requires higher temperature and pressure, which is easy to cause damage to the material; The cold press has a lower temperature and pressure, less damage to the material, but the hot stamping effect is relatively weak.

Second, the process requirements of the hot stamping machine

  1. Choice of bronzing materials

The hot stamping material used in the hot stamping machine should have excellent metal luster, adhesion and covering power and other properties, and can meet the requirements of various hot stamping processes. At the same time, according to different hot stamping materials and effect requirements, choose the appropriate hot stamping paper and glue and other materials.

  1. Adjustment of hot stamping temperature and pressure

Hot stamping temperature and pressure are important factors that affect the process effect of hot stamping machine. In the process of hot stamping, the hot stamping temperature and pressure need to be reasonably adjusted according to different materials and hot stamping effect requirements. If the temperature and pressure are insufficient, the hot stamping effect will not be clear; If the temperature and pressure are too high, it is easy to cause damage to the material. Therefore, careful operation is required when adjusting the temperature and pressure to ensure the best hot stamping effect.

  1. Design of hot plate surface

The design of hot stamping plate surface is one of the important factors affecting the process effect of hot stamping machine. In layout design, it is necessary to consider the size, shape, color and other factors of the pattern, as well as the influence of different materials on the effect of hot stamping. At the same time, it is also necessary to choose the appropriate layout design according to different hot stamping requirements in order to achieve the best hot stamping effect.

  1. Requirements of production environment

The production environment of the hot stamping machine also has a certain impact on its process effect. The production environment needs to maintain clean, dry, dust-free and other conditions to ensure the normal operation of the stamping machine and the stability of the process effect. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the control of indoor temperature and humidity and other factors to avoid affecting the process effect of the hot stamping machine.

  1. Safe operation and maintenance

In the process of using the hot stamping machine, it is necessary to strictly abide by the safe operation procedures to ensure the safety of personnel and equipment. At the same time, it is also necessary to regularly maintain the hot stamping machine, including cleaning, lubrication, inspection and other operations to ensure its normal operation and extend the service life.

In short, the process requirements of the hot stamping machine are high, and strict control and management are needed in all aspects. Only the process that meets these requirements can achieve the best hot stamping effect, improve product quality and added value. At the same time, it is also necessary to continuously carry out technological innovation and improvement to improve the technological level and application scope of the hot stamping machine to meet the changing and developing needs of the market.